How small actions can make a difference for someone sleeping on the streets

Helping those who are homeless is something that can cross our minds when we encounter someone on the street. Sometimes it is in the moment we see them, or sometimes it is soon after, we can feel like we should do something to help, even if it is something small. Humans in general are empathetic beings, and we can often feel like we are not doing enough to help those around us who are in vulnerable situations. It is understandable that often it’s hard to know what you can do to help. Should you be donating to charities? Should you be giving cash to those on the streets? Should you give food? Just sit and chat? What is the right thing to do?

 When it comes to helping the homeless, some things can be more helpful and impactful than others, (although even the smallest things always make a difference!) Here are a few pointers that might help you make a difference in this world.

 The very first thing you can do if you want to help those affected by homelessness is to educate yourself and learn about homelessness in general. This way, you can gain some understanding of homelessness, without judging those who are affected by it. Learning about homelessness and all the aspects around it tend to be the foundation for being able to help even further. Take some time to read articles, visit different websites and read up on homeless charities, shelters, soup kitchens and non-profits. If you would like to learn more about homelessness in Ireland, some resources will be listed at the bottom of this post. Often, even having this information can help in a lot of different ways. You are then armed with the knowledge to help educate those around you, and also maybe help someone on the streets - sometimes they may not actually be aware of the support and amenities available to them, and would be grateful to know of some organizations that can lend a helping hand.

 One of the biggest things people often forget when approaching someone on the street is that they are truly just a person. Homelessness can happen to anyone, in any circumstances. All a homeless person wants is to be treated like a human being. A little compassion, empathy and acknowledgement goes a long way. The smallest things you do, that you might not even think twice about, could make another person's day. 

 A homeless person might spend their entire day being ignored. A smile, a “hello”, a chat, can go a long way towards lifting someone up. One of the easiest ways you can help someone on the streets is to ask them if there's anything they might need, and then if you can afford it, offer to buy it. Sometimes this is as simple as a cup of tea, a roll from the deli, or a chocolate bar. Sometimes it could even be a young girl asking for a box of tampons or some deodorant. You never know just how much you can help someone simply by talking to them.

 If you suspect someone is in immediate or serious danger, call the emergency services and let them know. Don’t always assume someone else has done it. 

Sometimes a person on the street that you approach might not want to talk to you (we are all human and sometimes we just want to be left alone!). So respect a person's decision to engage or not engage with you. 

You can support those sleeping on the streets by donating to charities that help homelessness in Ireland. Some of many will be linked below.

 If you choose not to give money, there are other things you can often give to make a difference to someone's day. Oftentimes, a lot of people doing a little is just as good as a few people doing a lot! (I like that one). A warm pair of socks, a fluffy hat, a jumper, just a small gesture can really make a difference. Ask them if they want anything in McDonalds! You might be the difference between someone eating or not eating one day. 

Something you can do to help those sleeping on the streets is to lobby politicians about the homelessness crisis. Our current homelessness crisis in Ireland is caused by a lack of public housing and not to mention the ever-increasing cost of rent around the country and the high cost of living. 

Without affordable public housing in Ireland, more and more people are going to be shoved out of the housing market. If these people can’t find elsewhere to live, we are going to see an even higher number of people sleeping on the streets. According to Focus Ireland, almost one in five households live in privately rented accommodation compared to the one in ten figure that was reported ten years ago. This has since led to an enormous amount of pressure on the rental market which is leading to constantly rising rent levels and a shortage of properties to rent. Families who can simply not find anywhere to rent are becoming homeless in the blink of an eye. 

Our government can choose to fix the housing crisis through the regulation of the rental market and by building more social housing. This is something they have chosen not to do. If you want to do something for those sleeping on the streets from the comfort of your own home, you can lobby your local politicians to help end the homelessness crisis. You can find your local TD here

The most important thing to remember, is that even the smallest thing helps those on the streets. If we all do a little bit, a lot will be done!

 What Can I Do To Help?

There are many ways in which you can support Secret Street Tours. You can take one of our tours here to experience Dublin alongside one of our fantastic guides. You can support us by making a donation or make a regular donation by becoming a patron here

Sharing our Tours with friends and family or on social media is another great way to spread the word about the work we are doing.

We would like to also say a huge thank you for your ongoing support and contributions.

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